Is a Smart, Attentive Poodle the Right Dog for You?

November 29, 2022by Graeme
The poodle is easy to train, fun, and energetic. They like to be with people and hate being in a kennel.

The poodle is a fantastic dog breed and is perhaps one of the friendliest and most entertaining dogs for the entire family. Poodles are easy to train, fun, and energetic. They are eager to please and like to be with people most of the time. They dislike being isolated or placed in a kennel. Take socialization for poodles seriously and begin at an early age. The dogs often are recognized as the second most intelligent dog breeds ranked just below the Border Collie.

Poodles are great with other pets and even your guests. There’s a long-running debate about where this breed originated. Some say it was initially meant to be a German water-type dog while others proclaim it’s a distant relative of the French Barbet. The poodle is the official dog in France.

According to a study conducted by the Wagging Mongrel, the standard poodle leaves the Labrador breed in the dust with its average speed of 20 mph (32km/h). But enough of that, let’s take a closer look at this intelligent dog breed.

Poodles are more than adorable companions


Because poodles are considered a non-shedding breed, they are a good choice for owners with allergies.


Regardless of their small size and variations, all types of poodles have the same build and proportions. They have a long, straight muzzle, ears that hang down, and a docked, pompom tail. Most poodles that compete in conformation or agility often support a Continental Clip.

Poodles are friendly and only show signs of temper when agitated or threatened. Unfortunately, they tend to be yappy, so they bark even when happy. That’s why it’s crucial to train them not to do so.

Basic information

Depending on their size — toy, miniature, or standard — poodles can weigh from 7 pounds (3 kg) to as much as 70 pounds (32 kg). Their average life expectancy ranges from 12 to 15 years. Poodles come in various colors, including white, black, red, brown, gray, blue, and phantom, to name just a few.

Intelligence and training


Poodles are considered one of the most active dogs, requiring daily exercise. They are enthusiastic about trying new things and love being kept busy playing. Poodles love cold water and enjoy swimming. They also naturally have a retrieving instinct due to their ancestral heritage as hunting dogs. They also like taking long walks. Because they are intelligent and considered one of the smartest dog breeds, they are easy to train. Poodles have won many international competitions, including agility, obedience, and tracking. Poodles are born pleasers and would go to any length to please their masters. They rarely snore, drool, or dig.

Grooming needs

Since poodles seldom shed the way other dogs do, they are considered hypoallergenic. Plus, they are odorless, so if you do not like stinky dogs, this one is for you. As a pet poodle puppy owner, you can anticipate grooming every 6 to 8 weeks. It’s also essential to clean the dog’s ears regularly to remove hairs to stop earwax and moisture buildup, which can cause infections. Poodles can be considered high maintenance because they need care for their ears. You’ll also need to learn to brush your poodle puppy daily. This will prevent their coat from matting. Be sure to brush the hair all through and reach the skin.

If you don’t, then their hairs will mat near the roots, causing tangles that you’ll eventually have to shave off.

Shedding patterns

Unlike other dogs, poodles have a single coat with no undercoat. Their hair is dense and curly and unlike other dogs that shed every three or four days, a poodle sheds once every few weeks. Because poodles are allergy-friendly, breeders often choose them to breed with other dogs including cocker spaniels, Labrador retrievers, and Golden retrievers. The mixes are often known as doodles.

Different sizes


There are different types of poodles: standard, moyan, miniature, and toy.